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Explore the site and learn what sort of creature quillions are and what makes them unique!


"Outcast quillion in the woods"

Quillion [Venenum Venandi] 


                  These are unique and adaptive creatures who some may say share resemblance to the anatomy of a canine, feline, or even vulpine. So how does one identify the animal if it's body can have so many important variations? 

That is a easy answer. The first thing to identify a quillion is of course what gives it the name; 


   Cheek's Quill frill                Mohawk
 Spinal mane
  v        v

[1] The quill. The quill frill, or otherwise known as the facial or cheek quills fan out on the side of the quillion's head. The quillion doesn't have ears, instead these quills collect even the most feint of vibrations. the are most commonly in white; thought to be a warning to predators.

The thicker black quills ranging from 3-5 on any individual helps with movement of the frills.

[2] The tail. The tail is arguably the most recognizable part of any quillion. It is a strong black prehensile tail with short bristly fur ending with a tuft of hair or fur; the tuft doesn't share the same fur as the tail length instead likely more long, soft and flowing. 

A tail will continue to grow throughout it's entire lifespan! Estimated amounts being around a inch every month; or a foot a year. It is so important that nearly everything could be told about a single individual just by it's tail alone! 

Tails have a safety mechanism in which they can snap off a section of the tail if it becomes stuck or damaged leaving a permanent white scar where it broke off even after the tail begins to regrow! 

[3] The spinal hair. This includes the mohawk of the quillion. Every specimen has some form or another of this line of thicker longer fur running down the spine to the base of the tail, as well as stopping at the base of the head. It is usually mixed with short bristle-like quill hairs.

[4] The eyes. Not nearly as impressive is the eyes; quillion eyes often mimic the hue of gemstones or rocks. This can be quite beautiful and leaves many possibilities.

[5] The white markings. Every quillion has some sort of white marking on their face profile. Most commonly around either the eyes, muzzle or both. Extremely rarely will it grow on cheek fur or upper forehead. These markings are usually small or medium, however can be large.

The most rare of cases that nullify this rule of marking is melanism, Erythrism, & Iridoism; a unique and rare disorder thought to be related to a mother's food gives birth to a brightly colorful pup.

Iridoism can be
a form of any hue;
This one is hot pink.
{will replace picture}


Old art depicting a quillion with iridoism.^
Am I able to make one?
     Yes! Just as long as you follow the guidelines to the species! If you want anything special or rare please contact me [GenkoFox on DA or contact me at] Adoptions are also made, if you're low on cash or points a special adopt will be made for those who want art trades or drawing their adopt to get it. 
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