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The Quillion Lifestyle
*Soon to come
The Diet:
Quillions communicate by a series of clicks, chattering, whimpers, high pitched barks, yowls, howls, whoops, and other various noises. 
Certain packs or mobs may mimic noises they simply like from other creatures and use it in their group as a form of social behavior
Mimic quillions have such a strong instinct to mimic they can learn parts of the human language; reading emotional  vibrations and putting a word with a emotion then repeating it into a broken language. 
Such as; A mimic who hears: Get Lost! will relate that sound with annoyance or negativity,  It will repeat this sound next time it shares the same annoyance when a prey escaped and bark out; "Ghet loost!" 
The behaviors explained:

Quillion fishing with it's tail, using the barbed hairs to tangle fish and sweep them up for a easy meal.

Learning all sorts of ways to collect food is a quillion must!

Quillions threatening postures and the degree of warnings




A quillion when not hunting will likely do it's best not to get into a needless fight unless that individual is a highly aggressive; in which case it may still posture these threats to scare it's foe into running so it can proceed to attack from behind.



Quillions will first posture themselves high and bristle out their fur, fan out their frill and rise or prepare their tails in a defensive maneuvering. This won't only just make a quillion appear bigger but it will also get it's blood flowing and ready it's glands for a attack if needed....


Which will explain the next warning a quillion will give if a foe will not retreat.....


That is.... that a quillion will begin to heavily froth and drool. A person could mistake this foul smelling frothy saliva to be a sign of rabies. The odor comes from a compound mixture in their unique venom, giving off hints to enemy quills or foes who have good scenting abilities  to get a good whiff of what this individual quillion can do. 


If this warning doesn't work, a quillion will extend out it's claws and begin slapping it one the hardest surface around; preferably a rock, tree trunk, fallen branch or just hard ground. This is to show a example as a loud snapping/smacking noise. 

A quillion's claws are very strong and densely built - so they'll leave obvious scarring marks on rrock, trunks, etc.,; and the sound of that impact is a clear warning it isn't afraid to fight if forced too. Again showing off what it can do.



If this blatant warning is not met, a quillion may become desperate.  It had openly boasted it's abilities and warnings so if it's foe isn't retreating it will make the connection this enemy isn't worried over what it shown it can do yet. 

This will cause a quillion to start spitting; two different spit types are formed- the vaporous kind that sticks and stays in the air like mist, and the straight up liquid venom spitting from the glands under a quillion's tongue. Either or - or both will be shot towards their foe as well as a flurry of spastic slapping claws and whipping of it's tail in a flurry of some sort of war dance. A quillion might advance towards their enemy in this last warning stage or it may try to retreat slowly away depending on it's enemies movements.



If this doesn't work, there will be no more warnings. The quillion already has gone through the effort of spitting it's precious venom and will fully engage in a attack. First with it's tail- hopfully only with it's tail... but if it gets forced into a tighter spot will fight for it's life.


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