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Appearance Guidelines

Quillions come in a large variety of sizes, being one of the most adaptable creatures of their world. This will be a simple guide to reference what class of quillions there are.


smaller quillions.

{A older size reference sheet. Will be renewed to establish confirmed data & not rumors]


As seen in the picture above, Quillion can live extraordinary long lives if under the right conditions.  Sadly the average quillion will not meet to see year 20. 

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Toy sizedThese quillion are uncommon in the wild, more often seen as tamed pets. Being classified as any quillion as 10.5 inches or smaller. In the wild, these tiny quills keep hidden from predators. Lucky to live to 10 years although reports of urban(Pet) quillions of this size living up to 40 years old. They're tails are much thinner, only growing a inch in a entire year.




Small SizedQuillion in this category are also commonly called dwarf quillions. Being classified also as small when they are anywhere from 11.5 inches - 21 inches at shoulder. About the size of a small dog to a redfox. These quillion while far from apex predators are very common in the wild. Living easily to the full extent of their lifespans*; rivaling the lifespans of humans or tropical birds. They're tails grow a inch a month however only one out of three are seen no bigger than a leopard's tail due to high risk factors & loosing tails.

*Quillions often must pass a degree of toxicity as quickly as possible without being killed by it inorder to secure a long life. Venom holds protection from predators and offers higher ranking in packs or mobs.*












Basic Sized: Basic quillion fall under the most common of all their species despite the subspecies so the fox size to the large dog sized quillions are usually refereed to as basic. â€‹Being as 21 inches from the shoulder up to 3.2 ft. they have a wide variety on lifestyles. From scavenging to active hunting mobs or packs from basics use this difference to their advantage when coming up against predators or challenging circumstances. It is argued that the subspecies mimic quillions occur more in basic than in any other size. This could be simply due to basics being the most common of all sizes however others argue it is likely because the animals mimics copy fur patterns from are also estimated to be in this size range; despite a small sized mimic being capable of being born with wolf mimicked fur patterns.









Brute Sized: Uncommon in the quillions these massive sized quillions have strength packed in to replace their less agile bodies. At a shoulder height of 3.6 - 5.6 feet they're best described as quillion who are tiger to bear sized. Because of their huge difference in size the diets of these individuals rely less on venom and seek out the heaviest and most abundant food sources. It is even more uncommon to see a group of these brutes to be seen living in a group outside a mother raising her growing cubs. They're more prone to become hunters who so happen to nibble on other edible resources in between hunts unless a individual(s)  have found a huge source of food such as a orchard or rich food source of fruits, insects, plants, roots, & other edibles. 

It is common to see a group of quillion; mob or pack have a high ranking brute among them. A documented smaller basic quillion who had gone from loner to pack leader had coaxed a dangerous brute into her group of vagabonds. Offering extra food, praise and attention to ensure it's loyalty while using it's strength and intimidation to ward off larger potentially  more dangerous foes that would otherwise risk injury. This basic individual had shown great bartering skills one could relate to a chief hiring a mercenary  or berserker in their army while ensuring they were still leader by paying out more.

Brutes either behave less intellectual on purpose or are born with a more feral personality. This could answer the often asked question on why less of these large sized quillions are spotted in their own formed groups and why a single brute quillion can be seen acting as a spoiled guard to a smaller sized group.  

Finding the intelligence of their smaller sized companions admiring or just willingly becoming a guard for exchange of a easy lifestyle. Easy food, easy to obtain a mate if a brute was attracted to any of it's smaller packmates or mob. 


Brutes due to their weight are highly likely not to climb trees how many if not most quillion do; most are also broad shouldered and have a bulky body type; unlike their smaller sized quillion who can have anywhere from agile bodies to more bulky like their larger brute quillion. 





























Ancient Quillion:  These species, or size of quillion up until recently have thought to only have been in a quillion's ancestry. Long died out in the times of old when their world was a much more dangerous place. Skeletons and old relics found proving these massive quillion existed at all was a astounding find! Being at 7.2 feet up to the largest armor relics made by tribes to be fit for 9.8 foot quillions.

The large space in the skull revealing these quillion had a larger brain than today's quillion. All found fossils of these seemed to have lived in tribal communities. Capable of building, language, and weapon crafting. 

Scientist and biologist work heavily together comparing today's mobs who behave in tribal like mannerisms. Although not as advanced some selected groups have shown a high resemblance, capable of seeing piercing on humans and mimicking this self mutilation for appearance sake; the individuals with lead poisoning seem to have built a tolerance for the metallic infection which after a while no longer shows any signs of distress besides the metal becoming more rusted.

However, a deeply debated argument has recently stirred. Locals say they have witnessed these massive quillion out in the deep wilds. Desperate researchers who have followed these sighting reports have come across tribal ruins that only show they've been abandoned for at most hundreds of years not multiple thousands upon thousands. This offered fresh relics that had much better condition; some of which that seemed as new as when it was made.

So the question rises, what did those locals see? Certainly these former tribe villages are long gone however the locals swear they seen what they did. Capable of explaining details kept secret within the science community of types of weapons and body enhancements. Making the evidence stack up that maybe....


Ancient quillion might still exist.... Too wise to be detected by the greater population. 

































Feral Ancient Quillion props made for a museum that was Controversial whether to show relics or not to the public.

(Very old art; will be redone)

Fur Length & Colors and Patterns.


Quillion Fur lengthQuillions, mostly depending on their surrounding environment or parental ancestry can have either three different pelt fur lengths. 


1. Short, much like a smooth coat on a dog. 

2. Medium, not much different than a feline's medium coat.

3. Thick, dense long hair like that of a arctic fox. 



The spinal hair running down the center of their backs also comes in this three length rule.

As seen in the picture below. However unlike the pelt spinal hair can be short in front and long in back; potentially varying from individual to individual quillion. Spinal hair applies to the mohawk on the base of a quillion's head.


1. Short spinal hair rarely grows half a inch longer than the rest of the pelt.

2. Medium or average length spinal hair is about a inch longer than the surrounding hair. 

3. Longer spinal hair can drape down like that of a horse, or can be compactly dense. 


THE BASE QUILLS: A base quill is the thick black quills seen on the quill frill of these creatures. Ranging from 5 - 3 base quills. These act like pulling mechanisms to help move and push the frill into a straight point or flare it out. Although 5 base quills has better expressive control it also leaves a quillion vulnerable. If these base quills are damaged in a brawl it can impact the manipulation of a quillion's frill- which then might impact receiving vibrations to the brain. 

It is thought as long as a quillion has at least two base quills it can receive enough vibrations to hear a good distance or sense movement, so they aren't completely deaf if a injury occurs like this. It however may impact their social life.


Picture below is outdated and needs to be Renewed; Has some misinformation. Our apologies.


Quillions have retractable claws on each foot. These retractable appendages also hold a small pocket gland on three toes; the dew claw and two toes next to it; the first and middle digit. It is a mixture of their personalized venom collected and perfected throughout their lives. 

Used on a second to last bases, as a quillion would rather not get into close combat unless it's a brute sized quillion.



Quillions have weak gaits or sides. Meaning their ribs can easily break and they have very little defenses when it comes to being flanked in close combat. Because of this, quillions have a natural instinct to always use their tails as a first defense or attack. Secondly is spitting venom, third- or second to last is claws before a last desperate attempt in biting their foes.

Despite their jaws being more powerful than their own claws; instinct alone to keep foes as far from their core bodies out powers wits.  

Muzzles Types

Quillions again prove their amazing adaption abilities simply by looking at one's skull or face. These creatures, like today's dogs have a wide verity of muzzle types formed over generations.

The most common seen is a short dog muzzle, or longer cat muzzle depending on how one perceives it. All quillion have deep cheeks within their muzzles making any face-forward appearance have a thick pear shape. This is due to the thick bones protecting glands and supporting strong bone crushing and tree shell snapping teeth. 


Other common muzzles are a shorter feline-like muzzle, these quillion are stronger descendants of prey hunters however are still quite capable of being perfect omnivores. 


broad canine-like muzzles like those of wolves are also seen in quillion. Common in group types such as packs, aggressive personalities unfortunately have made a reputation with this muzzle. 

Skinner narrow long muzzles are uncommon but do occur, more pron to quillions who have a long family line of feasting less on hunted prey and more on scavenging & picking up the scents of toxic plants or items from far away.



Noses can be colored: black, grey, brown, pink or a mixture of these colors. Albinism can have extremely light pale pinks while the extremely rare iridoism can have noses tinted in the unusual color they've been born with. A blueish toned quillion may have a pale blueish gray nose.

Quillion Eyes:


Quillions have one of the most vibrant and colorful eyes in their home world, mimicking what seems to be any gemstone or stone imaginable, it is common to just refer to the ability their eyes could be any hue. Rare in eye color is having two separate colors in each eye however. 

It isn't uncommon to see quillions blind either. Either by damage from the sunlight, venomous spitting matches, or straight up scarring cuts across eyes and faces; eyes tend to be a common injury for quillion.


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